It’s time to honor the 2014 recipients of the Big Island Press Club scholarship awards.
The winners have been chosen and now we gather for a collegial evening in Hilo to fete them. No-host mixer begins at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, July 24, 2014, followed by a dinner buffet.
Guest speaker is Erika Engle, a former BIPC scholarship recipient and business reporter for the Star-Advertiser.
BIPC annually offers: $1,000 Bill Arballo Scholarship, $500 Yukino Fukubori Memorial Scholarship, $500 Jack Markey Memorial Scholarship, $1,500 Robert C. Miller Memorial Scholarship and the $1,000 Marcia Reynolds Scholarship. All are awarded are determined by the BIPC scholarship committee to qualified applicants pursuing a higher education in the field of journalism or a related field.
Engle writes “TheBuzz” and “Buy Local” columns in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, as well as stories for the business section of the paper — a job she began with the Honolulu Star-Bulletin in 2001.
She posts breaking news at and disseminates content via social media each weekday morning starting at zero-dark-thirty, before tackling other responsibilities.
She was the inaugural writer of “Scoops” in Pacific Business News, following a more than two-decades-long career in radio and television broadcasting, primarily in news, mostly at KSSK-AM 590/FM 92.3.
Hope to see you there!
Dinner is $30 in advance.
You can pay by credit card via here (a $2.64 processing fee is charged), or by sending a check to reach us by July 21 at:
Big Island Press Club
P.O. Box 1920
Hilo, HI 96721
Hope to see you there!
For more information contact us at